I don't know about you, but I work very hard to attract and secure new clients, and when I secure them, I certainly want to try and keep them. How do you let a customer know that you value their business? How do you let them know that they are first and foremost in your thoughts? Start by saying "thank you" and develop a program to remind you to stay in touch. I'm not suggesting a mere hand shake or nod of the head at the close of a business transaction. I'm suggesting a process like my touch system, or touch. My touch includes 8 steps, that's 8 things that I do to let a client know they matter. My touch system: 1) When I meet with a client, sometimes I bring them baked cookies or granola bars (I love to bake), and I always bring them something to eat along with their beverage of choice. 2) When a client tells me they've closed on a deal I send a note on beautiful stationery saying, "congratulations." 3)I have a daily recurrence on my calendar to remind me to say thank you at every opportunity." 4) Whenever I meet someone for the first time, I always send ecards to let them know that I enjoyed meeting them or working with them. GoDaddy is my host for my email account. They provide these wonderful templates with messages like, "You Rock," "You're Awesome," "Have a Nice Day", with colorful imagery that you can include when you send a email. If you've ever received an email from me, there's a good chance that you have received one of these templates. If you'd like to know more about my touch system I'm glad to share. Just email me info@consultflt.com, and in the subject line type, "tell me about your touch." Start incorporating these tips and let me know the results. I'd like to hear from you and learn their impact. And remember, don't forget to say "thank you."
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